ポケジャーナル ポケモンソード・シールド考察・翻訳ブログ


















Game Freak's Junichi Masuda and Shigeru Ohmori talk inspiration, Sirfetch'd, and pressure from Pokémon fans
"When you look at leeks in the UK, they're pretty big vegetables."



There have been a few ups and downs for Game Freak, in the build up to Pokémon Sword and Shield's launch. The initial reveal of Galar, the game's UK-inspired setting, was perhaps a tad lukewarm, and the decision to move away from a full, eight or nine hundred-strong Pokédex brought outcry from the predictably noisy sections of Pokémon fans.
But then, new Pokémon like Wooloo have charmed, and twists on old favourites, like the brilliant Sirfetch'd and Galarian my-little-Ponyta, have gone down a storm.
Having now played the enchanting first hours of Sword and Shield, too, the game's typical charm has once again started to shine through.





 For Game Freak it must have been quite the ride. I spoke to veteran lead producer Junichi Masuda and a particularly jovial Shigeru Ohmori, the series' game director, about the surprising inspirations for those new Pokémon, how they went about researching the UK, and what dealing with those moments of backlash has been like.
Do note, though, that our conversation took place a few weeks ago now (shortly before the announcement of Galarian Ponyta), so the odd answers might feel slightly less coy than they were at the time.
The following transcript has also been lightly edited, as you can read the rest of our conversation, about that weird camping minigame and what goes into Pokémon sausages, elsewhere on the site.





The first thing I wanted to ask about is the new Pokémon you've already announced. The likes of Sirfetch'd and Wooloo, and Galarian Weezing, seem to have gone down especially well this time, why do you think that is?
Shigeru Ohmori: The first thing to say is that we're really happy that fans have taken to these new Pokémon so quickly. It's hard to say exactly why fans have taken to them so well, but with Sirfetch'd for example, it might be the kind of unexpected nature of it, you know it's like "Oh, we never thought we'd see Farfetch'd change into something like this!" So you know fans are really enjoying that.




In other ways, so you mentioned Weezing for example, it might be the way they feel it matches with the feel of this kind of UK-based environment, so the new image of this Pokémon really matches with that and it kind of brings the game to life. So, there's different reasons why fans might have really taken to them, and we're happy that that's the case and that all the different kind of efforts that the designers have put in to creating them have born fruit.



大森:(笑) これはまったく新しいデザインです。私たちが新しい地方としてイギリスを視察に行った時に、ネギガナイトを思いつきました。剣と盾のようなネギを持つこのポケモンは、本当にガラル地方にぴったりだと思います。だからこれは古いバージョンとは別ものです。

On Sirfetch'd in particular, it seems like it's based on an old evolution for Farfetch'd that was in the Gold and Silver demo that was uncovered - is it based on a cancelled design that never made it into a final game?

SO: [Laughs] It's a completely new design. Really when we're looking at the UK as a region, we thought this kind of evolution, with it holding its leek like a sword and having a kind of shield design, really fit with this new region we were designing. So yeah, it's a new design.



大森:(笑) リージョンフォームを作成する時は、様々な思考プロセスがありますが、その1つは進化させたい既存のポケモンがいるかどうかです。他には、マッスグマの進化形のタチフサグマのような場合もあります。これはデザイナーたちがそのポケモンを見て、「このポケモンを変化させて、別のなにかに進化させる方法はないだろうか?」と考えました。

Can you talk about when that design came about? Was it one of the first things you wanted to do, to have a Pokémon with a sword and a shield straight away?

SO: [Laughs] So when we're making these regional forms there are different thought processes that go into it, but one is definitely that we've got an existing Pokémon that we'd like to make evolve - so you've got other examples like Obstagoon, this time around as well, evolving from Linoone - and the designers really look at them and think "is there a way we can change this Pokémon and make it evolve into something else?"



日本の場合、(ネギは「Leek」のことですが、「Spring onion」のことを指す場合もあります)、小さくて薄いものをイメージします。ネギガナイトの持つネギがカモネギの持つ普通のネギよりもはるかに大きくなったのは、日本のネギとイギリスのネギの見た目の違いがインスピレーションになっています。

Another consideration for Sirfetch'd in particular is that, when you look at leeks in the UK, they're pretty big vegetables, they're kind of chunky, big old things, whereas in Japan when you associate the word for "leek", it kind of crosses over with "spring onion" a bit, but you think of the small, thin ones. So the difference in what one looks like in Japan and what one looks like here is the kind of inspiration for why the leek that's held by Sirfetch'd is so much bigger than that that's held by a normal Farfetch'd.





Okay last question about Sirfetch'd, I promise: are you going to have an equivalent that's exclusive to Pokémon Shield like Sirfetch'd is for Sword?
[Both laugh] SO: So there's things we haven't announced yet so that's as far as we can go, but there are of course regional differences and certain ones are awaiting you to discover in Pokémon Shield so hopefully you'll look forward to that. [Note that this is mostly likely Galarian Ponyta, revealed as Shield-exclusive after this interview.]
Junichi Masuda: Please enjoy catching lots of Sirfetch'd and trading them with players from Pokémon Shield.




It seems like Team Yell is maybe based a little on certain "rowdy" fans that we can have in video games - are they a reference to some of the louder parts of community, or is it just based on something like football hooligans here in the UK?
SO: So, this time around in Pokemon Sword and Shield there is this kind of sports atmosphere that takes a really large role, and within sports, all sports have fans and some of those fans go overboard - that's something we considered when designing them.



We also have this character called Marnie - and this is perhaps something a bit more Japan-specific - but you often have idols who have their really hardcore fans who kind of follow them everywhere, and that sort of overzealous fan is also something that this Team Yell has been based on, so that's really where we took inspiration for them from.





Lastly, you've got some new features that are firsts for the series, things like autosave, open world elements, and a co-op PvE element - do you expact that trend, towards these kinds of quite modern design elements, to continue?

SO: Really what we want to do with that kind of thing is first look at how Pokemon Sword and Shield are received, see what features people enjoy and are well-praised, and then as we go forward in the future. There are obviously other games doing different things like that; we basically just want to look at what does well and what we can improve, based on the kind of feedback we receive for Sword and Shield, and think about what we want to put into future games.




 大森: (笑) 私自身ゲーマーなのでニンテンドーのゲームも他のハードのゲームもたくさん遊んでいます。だから私が遊んだ他のゲームが間接的にポケモンの世界に影響を与えている可能性はあります。しかしプロフェッショナルなレベルで新しいものをデザインする際は、ゲームのどのような側面が人気があるのか、そして今の時代で何が通用するのかを見極める必要があります。(なぜならそれは時間がたつにつれて変化していくからです)そして何が私たちのアイデアにフィットするかを見て、何がゲームを改善するために追加できるかを見ています。

Can you highlight any particular games that were inspirations for Sword and Shield - were there any outside of Sword and Shield that inspired certain decisions in particular?

SO: [Laughs] So, myself I'm a big fan and play a lot of games both Nintendo games and also games on other platforms, so you know it's very possible that whilst playing all these other games something has kind of inspired me indirectly to add into the Pokemon world. But really when designing new features on a professional level, it really is kind of looking at what sort of aspects in games are popular, and what works well in the current world - because it changes over time obviously - really looking at that and seeing what fits with our general design ideas, and seeing what we can add in to improve our games as we go.