So who else thinks the legendary Pokemon in the Sword & Shield Logo is actually the trio master in two different forms, a Sword Form and a Shield Form, and is separate from the actual boxart legendaries, kind of like Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon where you see Solgaleo and Lunala but Ultra Necrozma hidden in the corner.
Idk. Seems improbable for me to have that in the first version. In the end it's still possible that the wolves are just symbols and have nothing to do with any actual pokemon.
I think it makes sense under the new Game Director's vision.Plus it makes sense from a release pattern position similar to that of the 6th gen. As many of us know, the 6th gen featured the release of the X and Y games and ORAS remakes but no third version? For many, this was a startling change from the rest of the series and many people believe that the Sun & Moon games are sort of like the third version to X & Y.So in order to not make that mistake again, I believe Ohmori intends to release Sword & Shield as THE FULL PRODUCT.
I'd say it seems like GameFreak intended third versions for X & Y because as a lot of people pointed out, X & Y feels unfinished. Locations mentioned by NPCs that never exist and blocked off areas give that vibe.Hopefully I'm right and Sword & Shield comes out as the full finished product with a lot of things fans have been asking
Sobble とSizzile は完ぺきなネーミングだと思う。
Sobble, Sizzile makes perfect sense name-wise,however Intelleon as a spy-theme is a top-notch approach for a chameleon since we now officially know it uses nearby puddles to hide itself. As for Scorbunny potentially ending up as a humanoid fighter and Grookey as giant gorilla, I wonder if the feminine and masculine theme will be present along Sobble being sleek, or won't as it'd be following the exact XY pattern.
REALLY hope Sobble's Evoultion is Water/Ghost and not Water/Dark so we don't get another Greninja (i like Greninja don't get me wrong but i want Sobble to have a different typing)
A Spy theme would definitely lend itself to Dark typing the most, in my opinion.Donkey Kong though.. Fighting/Rock/Normal, it's hard to settle on one right now.
I can see people derive the Intel part as Intelligent to think it may end up as part Psychic, however Chameleon's and a spy share invisibility as mutual trait and it's difficult to spot IRL. Can't think anything but Ghost as a mandatory type, if it indeed is a spy.
What kinda annoys me about the leak is that it points out that the 4th Gym is Fairy typed....but then it just says the first three are Milo, Nessa and Kabu.... as if we're supposed to know who the frack Nessa and Kabu are... From the trials it kinda sounds like Nessa's water type (plus her name is similar to Naesse, the German word for Moisture) but what's Kabu?
水タイプということを考えると、Nessa はネス湖のモンスターネッシーから来ているのかもしれないよ。
Or Nessa like Nessie as in the Loch Ness Monster, which also points to water type.
これが本当だとすると、リージョン進化っていうのはどういう意味だろう。この進化は他の世代では起こらないってことかな?または第4世代みたいな追加進化のこと?理由はともかくなぜニャースがそんなふうになるのかはわからない。ニャースの新しい進化の名前を、リークした人は忘れたのかな。アローラニャースのガラル地方版?またはこれはニャースのことではなく、他の猫ポケモンと間違えているのかも…Some pokemon, like Farfechtd, will get regional evolutions, like Sirfechtd.
Meowth looks like a ball of spiky grey fur.Now, what's interesting if this turns out to be true is what exactly is a regional evolution? Does this mean these evolutions will not occur in future games, or is it simply new evolutions added a la gen 4?
I wonder if he meant pre-evolution for Meowth? It would be fairly random
but we know they had planned one before, and "ball of spiky grey fur" sounds like a tiny kitten to me.
"Intelleon" makes me think it will be water/ psychic.I feel like it meant that meowth will get a split evo.
Team Yell, Gigantimaxed Musical Lapras, Grookey final evo beating a drum. Sound-type
That'd be nice and I have championed the idea of a 'Sound' type being added, but just because the evil team's name is 'Yell',
it doesn't indicate what primary type they use. Only Teams Mamga & Aqua were like that; no other team ever stuck to the theme of their name.
Team Plasma didn't specialize in Electric
Team Flare didn't specialize in Fire
Team Skull didn't specialize in Dark
Team Rocket & Team Galactic couldn't have even had a type attributed to their nameBasically, if there was no pattern before, it's unlikely there'd be one now. Again, though, I really would like to see 'Sound' added as a type.
もしこの噂が本当なら、シマリスのモンスターは悪草タイプかな。噂によるとそれは欲張りらしいから。(日本だとDarkタイプは悪タイプっていうし) それに実のなる木に関係しているし。観客の中に混じっているそれやシャツに描かれているやつはしっぽが植物っぽいよね。あとなんか暗い色をしてた。
If the rumour is true I think the squirrel/chipmunk line is dark & grass type
because according to the rumour it's greedy (dark is called evil in Japan so that fits) and they seem to be involved with berry trees. Not to mention that in the design seen in the crowd and the shirt it's tail appears a bit plantlike. And it's dark coloration. Now that I read the rumour again I think it's possible that galarian meowth is normally curled up to a ball but spreads out in it's gigantamaxing form.
That leak, while credible, is full of ridiculous information, typos, and other general errors.
The leaker can also be a local translator, which is why he's impressively on point with all the names and whatnot the trailer didn't show such as GYM puzzles and starter evolution names. He expresses his anger and disappointment later, indicating he might as well be fired.
The only problem is that the leak does not look like it is from a professional.
People who have a "professional" job can still have bad grammar and can make typos lol. It's also possible he works for the localisation team outside of the UK/US and English isn't his first language.
リークの信頼できる部分と偽の部分があって、リークした人の身元が分からないようにしているんだと思う。Barracudaとカモメの部分は、最後に付け加えただけのデタラメな記述だと思います。それにEternatusの名前が変に感じる理由は、ザ + 三原色のもじりになっていないからだと思う。それにギガマックスとカモネギの進化系とボールニャースと御三家の進化系もたぶんそうフェイクだね。
What part of the credible leak do you all think is the fake part made to prevent the leaker's identity being revealed. I think it's the barracuda & seagull part because it fells too random like it was shoehorned in at the last moment. And maybe the name Eternatus because it feels weird not following the za + a spectrum color with one letter changed. That the two main legends have. And maybe gigantamaximg or Sirfetch'd & ball meowth or starter evos.
While I'm not certain if we can exactly pin-point what seems to be fake or not yet given the majority of information came true, Eternatus didn't give me an exact Za-duo rival feels. Actually, I initially thought about this mural